全油门(PWM占空比= 1)当前输出精度完全由R4的精度和LM337内部参考的±2%(保证,通常更好,通常更好)的精度确定。因此,它独立于逻辑供应...
单片机制作中的自己动手制造at89c51编程器 (英文)
ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 3.0
![]() Figure 1: Circuit Diagram of Flash Programmer V3.0 Figure 2 shows the circuit diagram of the interface adapter card required for the programming of 20 pin Flash devices. ![]() Figure 2: Interface Adapter circuit diagram V3.0s
Figure 3: Components layout of the Programmer PCB V3.0
Windows NT/2000/XP
To use the software with the above operating systems, an i/o port driver is required. There are many freeware
i/o port drivers are available on the Web, the following port driver can be used with the Pgm89 programmer,
Study the web page and the readme file included in the port driver zip file for further information.
The programmer software uses the following i/o port addresses,
Lpt1 Port @ 378H
Lpt2 Port @ 278H
Lpt3 Port @ 3BCH
I/O Port @ 61H
I/O Port @ 42H & 43H
In order to insure safe insertion & removal of the u-controller from programmer ZIF SoCket make sure programmer power supply is turned on before starting the program and the red LED D1 must be turned off when the program is started. The u-controller should be placed or removed from the ZIF socket when the red LED D1 is off.
Also note that the software does not provide the erase command because this function is performed automatically during device programming. If you are required to erase the controller first use the clear buffer command in edit menu then program the controller, this will erase the controller memory.
Figure 4: Main screen of the program PGM89v3