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接线图 2023年10月21日 14:51 192 admin



报警控制中的门禁电话通话电路  第1张

In this doorphone circuit,an 8 ohm speaker is used both as a microphone and also an output device. The BC109C STage amplifies in COMmon base mode, giving good voltage gain , whilst providing a low impedance input to match the speaker. Self DC bias is used allowing for variations in transistor current gain. An LM386 is used in non-inverting mode as a power amplifier to boost voltage gain and drive the 8 ohm speaker. The 10k potentiometer acts as the volume control, and overall gain may be ADjusted using the 5k preset. The double pole double throw switch, reverses the loudspeaker positions, so that one is used to talk and the other to listen. Manually operating the switch (from inside the house) allows two way communication.




标签: 报警控制 电路图


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