6 通道射频遥控器采用 CC2500 射频收发器模块和 microchip 的 PIC16F1847 微控制器设计。发射器配有 6 个轻触开关、4 个...
2023年10月21日 15:26 158
The sound card for a PC generally has a microphone input, speaker output and sometimes line inputs and outputs. The mic input is designed for dynamic microphones only in impedance range of 200 to 600 ohms. Lazar has ADapted the sound card to use a COMmon electret microphone using this circuit. He has made a composite amplifier using two transiSTors. The BC413B operates in common emitter to give a slight boost to the mic signal. This is followed by an emitter follower stage using the BC547C. This is necessary as the mic and circuit and battery will be some distance from the sound card, the low output impedance of the circuit and screened cable ensuring a clean signal with minimum noise pickup.