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接线图 2023年11月07日 18:34 261 admin

CD4047做的逆变器,CD4047 DC to AC Power Inverter

If you want to operate an electronic device in a vehicle with an 220V AC electric source, it usually takes a 12v DC to AC POWER inverter. This power inverter converts the DC electricity into AC by using an electronic circuit. You need to have this inverter device on your vehicle in accordance with the required maximum loAD.

Here is a 12V power inverter that can use a car battery as a source. DC to AC Power Inverter can be used to handle load up to a maximum of 100W using 10A CT STep down transformer.  When required a larger load capacity, you can customize the type of transistors on the final power, and capacity used transformer.

DC to AC Power Inverter Circuit Diagram

CD4047做的逆变器  第1张
12V DC to 220V AC Power Inverter

In DC to AC power inverter schematic above, the input voltage source is connected to IC1 CD4047 wired as an astable multivibrator produces two 180 degree out of phase 1/50 Hz pulse trains.These pulse trains are pre-amplified by the two TIP122 transistors.

The output of the TIP122 transistors are amplified by four 2N 3055 transistors (two transistors for each half cycle) to drive the inverter transformer. The 220V AC will be available at the secondary of the transformer.

The DC to AC power inverter circuit can work well for small loads such as some light bulbs. 12V inverter assembly is not difficult because it only uses the baSiC principle of the DC to AC power inverter.




标签: CD4047 逆变电路图


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