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接线图 2023年11月07日 18:39 182 admin

LED闪烁灯(英文),LED or Lamp Pulser with IC LM358

This circuit operates a LED in pulsing mode, i.e. the LED goes from off STate, lights up grADually, then dims gradually, etc.
This operation mode is obtained by a triangular wave generator formed by two op-amps contained in a very cheap 8 PIn DIL case IC. Q1 ensures current buffering, in order to obtain a better load drive.
R4 & C1 are the timing COMponents: using the values shown in the parts list, the total period is about 4 seconds.


R1,R2___________4K7 1/4W Resistors
R3_____________22K 1/4W Resistor
R4______________2M2 1/4W Resistor (See Notes)
R5_____________10K 1/4W Resistor
R6_____________47R 1/4W Resistor (See Notes)

C1______________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitor

D1_____________5mm. Red LED (See Notes)

IC1__________LM358 Low Power Dual Op-amp

Q1___________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor

LED闪烁灯(英文)  第1张




标签: LED闪烁灯


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