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接线图 2023年11月07日 18:40 189 admin

压电振荡器供给白光LED发光,LED DRIVER



  接收单电池供电的LED驱动器正受到广泛关注。为由低电压电源产生能够点亮白光LED的高电压,主要需要某种电子振荡器,最简单的为压电蜂鸣器。压电转换器特殊地用于振荡器和驱动白光LED(图1)。压电模片或弯曲板组成压电陶瓷片,带双面电极,用可传导粘合剂贴在黄铜、不锈钢或类似材料制成的金属板上。电路使用三端压电转换器。在这个转换器中,模片在其中一个电极上有反应标记。电感和容性器件之间谐振产生振荡。工作的频率为:fOSC=1/(2π压电振荡器供给白光LED发光  第1张),在这里,L为电感值,C为压电元件的电容量。

压电振荡器供给白光LED发光  第2张



  White LED shines from piezoelectric-oscillator supply

  A piezoelectric ceramic buzzer powers a white LED from a single cell.

  TA Babu, Chennai, India; Edited by Charles H Small and Fran Granville -- EDN, 1/10/2008

  LED drivers that receive their power from a single cell are receiving a great deal of attention. To generate the high voltage for illuminating a white LED from a low-voltage power supply basically requires some form of an electronic oscillator, and one of the simpleST is a piezoelectric buzzer. An unusual application of a piezoelectric transducer serves as an oscillator and drives a white LED (Figure 1). The piezoelectric diaphragm, or bender plate, comprises a piezoelectric ceramic plate, with electrodes on both sides, attached to a metal plate made of brass, stainless steel, or a similar material with conductive adhesive. The circuit uses a three-terminal piezoelectric transducer. In this transducer, the diaphragm has a feedback tab on one of its electrodes. The oscillation is a result of the resonance between the inductor and the element, which is capacitive. The frequency of operation is: fOSC="1/"(2π), where L is the value of the inductor and C is the capacitance of the piezoelectric element.

  With the initial application of potential to the circuit in Figure 1, transistor Q1 turns on. When the transistor conducts, the current through inductor L1 increases gradually, and the potential across the plates flexes the piezoelectric ceramic. This flexing generates a negative potential at the feedback tab, which feeds back to the base of the transistor. The transistor then switches off. When turn-off occurs, the stored energy in the inductor dumps into the LED. This flyback voltage is sufficient to light the LED.





标签: 压电振荡器供给白光LED发光


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