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接线图 2023年11月07日 18:45 173 admin

PIC单片机编程器2,PIC programmer

PIC单片机编程器2  第1张

This PIC Programmer was designed by Jens MADsen. If you require more information try the gueSTbook for the PIC Programmer.

This PIC Programmer is able to program: PIC12C5XX, 12C67X, 24CXX, 16C55X, 16C61, 16C62X, 16C71, 16C71X, 16C8X, 16F8X, ISO-CARD's with ASF and other serial programmable chips by adapter.

The PIC Programmer can connect to a 25/9 PIn serial port, use the serial pin-out tables to determine the correct pins to use when wiring. The schematic above assumes you are using a 9 pin female connector (to connect to an ATX motherboards).


There are probably several applications available for the PIC Programmer II, but the two most popular, I beleive, are:

  • PP2 utility, by Malte Kiesel (a DOS based program)

  • IC-Prog Programmer, by Bonny Gijzen (Windows based program)

  • For more software (including PIC16C84 utilities) check out Jens' Website





标签: PIC单片机编程器 编程器电路 编程器制作


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