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接线图 2023年11月07日 18:50 202 admin

电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作,class a power amplifier



My firST set of electronics started in 1979 as an experiment based on a design published in the French magazine "l'Audiophile No. 10" by Jean Hiraga.

电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作  第1张

Modified Version of Hiraga's Class A Amplifier

Although a Class A triode push-pull or single ended tube amplifier might have been the better choice in those days (and possibly still today), I was highly attracted by the new developed Hitachi FET-Devices. As owner of the high efficient Onken-Mahul System, most of the time 1 watt with peaks to 8 watt were absolutely sufficient. So, I decided to simplify the modified version of Hiraga?s Class A Amplifier once more (reduction of open-loop gain and use of less discrete components) and settled for a class A operation of 8 watt.

电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作  第2张

FET Amplifier No. 1

电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作  第3张

Power Supply for FET Amplifier No. 1

This FET Power Amplifier No. 1 was produced in 1980 for several muSiC enthusiast and colleagues. Today, after 23 years some of these power amplifiers are still in use and according to the owners they perform much better than many high rated commercial amplifiers.

Design Considerations

Encouraged by the friendly, direct and immediate sound of the FET Amplifier No.1 and repeated requests from some of the owners to design an improved successor, I finally decided in 2000 to start the task. But, where should the existing design be improved?

Suspecting that the ear compensates for amplifier distortion, when it is simple in nature over the entire power range, but does not like distortion of high harmonic order that is constantly changing with the music, it became immediately clear I should primarily improve the power supply. The only way to accomplish this is the use of regulated power supplies or accumulators. Since I wanted an excellent and simple solution, I chose the accumulators.

Other areas of improvements are a further reduction in components and the use of more linear discrete semiconductors.

电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作  第4张

Megalith - FET Power Amplifier No. 2

Along with the effort of improving the existing FET Power Amplifier No.1, I considered other topologies which may have a similar performance.

附件:电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作  第5张相关电路图、PCB及元件清单.rar




标签: 电流反馈型A类功率放大器制作


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