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接线图 2024年04月29日 12:22 186 admin




These simple schematICs are well known by moST of the watercoolers guys and are meant to power on the waterpump in a watercoOLED PC together with the power supply. I added a simple visualISAtion of the power to the pump by means of a LED. This led circuit is actually the one on myAC-ledpage and shows if there's really mains voltage going to the pump (not just if the PC power supply is powered on). I made two versions of this circuit: One with a (cheap) eleCTRomagnetic relay and one with an (more expensive) solid state electronic relay.

Important:The LED D3 and the surrounding components (R1, C2, D2)are not needed for the schematic to work and CAN eaSILy be left out or replaced by a 110V (US version) or 220VAC (European version) neon lamp.

Be aware also that these schematics involve mains voltages!

-With electromagnetic relay:




电脑水冷抽水泵控制电路原理与设计  第1张

电脑水冷抽水泵控制电路原理与设计  第2张

电脑水冷抽水泵控制电路原理与设计  第3张

-With solid state relay:

The used solid state relay is a CX240D5 fromCrydomand ordered fromDigikey. It is rated for up to 5 Amps and 280VAC. The control voltage can vary from 3 to 15VDC.

There's one drawback: The minimum load current of the CX240D5 must be at least 60mA, in our case this is the sum of the pump current and the led current. The led current is about 20mA, so the pump must draw at least 40mA (under 110 or 220V).

To calculate the pump current: Pump current (Amps) = Pump power (Watts) / Mains Voltage (V)

For my Eheim 1250 pump this gives us: 28W/220V = about 127mA

For a european Eheim 1046 at 220V the pump current is 23mA, too little for the CX240D5. For a US 110V Eheim 1046 the current will be 45mA which is just fine.

电脑水冷抽水泵控制电路原理与设计  第4张

电脑水冷抽水泵控制电路原理与设计  第5张

电脑水冷抽水泵控制电路原理与设计  第6张





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